Testing workshop

Denne note er på engelsk da den er delvis genbrugt fra tidligere

Monday November 27th.

As preparation for Monday, you should view the following on Lynda: https://www.lynda.com/Developer-Programming-Foundations-tutorials/Welcome/124398/137955-4.html. It is nearly two hours, so remember to set some time aside.

There are a few sections which can be skipped:


Basic unit tests (green level)

  1. Designing for test (slides)
  2. Quiz
  3. Exercise: Make a number of tests for a method that computes the number of rafters (spær) based on length of a carport. Make the the method to compute it, and make it pass all the tests.

Database testing (yellow level)

Mostly it is not recommended to test the actual database layer. However, that is a shame as many get the database layer wrong. Once the structure is in place, it is fairly straight forward to do.


  1. Testing the database layer
    • Test database vs. production database
    • Clearing and setting up a database
    • Designing for testability
    • A dedicated connection
  2. Unit testing against MySQL

A few other concepts of test

  1. Aspects of test (slides)
    • (green level) Testing can be more than JUnit (acceptance test, system tests,…)
    • (green level)Testing concept: Black and White box test
    • (Red level) Testing concept: Test coverrage
  2. Red level: Install codecoverage in jacocoverage and check coverage of your test for quicksort.