Bash scripting exercise

These exercises are based on Ryans bash tutorial

Task 1

Write a simple hello world bash script. Change it so that it instead of writing “Hello world” writes “Hello " (where user is the name of the current user - which can be found as a variable in bash) ​

Task 2

Try to explain to the person next to you what exactly this piece of bash does:

Task 3

Create a script which will print a random word. There is a file containing a list of words on your system (usually /usr/share/dict/words or /usr/dict/words). Hint: Piping will be useful here. This exercise is taken from the bottom of this page

Task 4

Create a script which will take data from STDIN and print the 3rd line only. This exercise is taken from the bottom of this page

Task 5

Exercises from the bottom of Now let’s make some decisions.

Task 6

Create a bash script which will automate setting up the users in your group, installing their ssh keys, and adding them to the sudo group. This will make it easier to delete a droplet and start from fresh.