Documentation in Javadoc

One part of documentation is internal documentation. Internal documentation is documentation which is written inside the program itself. The target group of this documentation is programmers.

Java was one of the first programming languages to come with a tool which can extract information in source comments and produce HTML based documentation from those comments.

Javadoc allow you to write comments associated with:

All of the places makes sense, and we will look at them all.

The tool Javadoc processes the contents of the special comments to produce html.

It is possible for third party developers to make their own processing tools. We will use one that allow github like markdown syntax to stay consistent with our use of markdown and github in general (this is an advanced topic and not mandatory to use).

There is a separate note on how to use Javadoc inside of Netbeans, how to allow diagrams (class diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and others) to be written inside javadoc comments, and how to make it all work with github.

Structure of a javadoc comment

The javadoc tool will process the comments on the form:

Javadoc comments start with /**
and ends as a normal comment 

Inside the comments you can use special documentation tags to control how the final html is generated. The most commonly used tags are:

When using git, both author and version are better tracked using the version history than through these tags.

A full description of tags is at this page at the official java documentation

Documenting classes

The important thing to document about a class is

For example, a comment for a servlet should say which jsp pages has forms that sends requests to this servlet, and which jsp pages it forwards to.

A domain class could document which database table it mirrors, and how/where it is instantiated - in the presentation layer, the database layer, or both.

Documenting methods

When documenting a method, there focus is on describing these four aspects of a method:

For later in the semester

Documenting fields

When documenting a field, you specify

Documenting packages

Documenting packages is done in a special file named “”.

Such a file can be made using the usual netbeans “new” command. Package-info is one of the files that can be created under the Java category.

For packages you should document:

The cohesion priciple can for instance be that this package contains the classes of the system’s domain layer”.

Documenting how the major classes work together can often be illustrated using a sequence diagram.

Overview documentation

The overview documentation should say how the various packages work together, and how key classes provide the coupling between the packages. This is documentation of the system architecture.