Codecoverage in Netbeans

The jacocoverage tool can be used to say how much of the code is covered by your tests.

The tool can be installed into netbeans by:

  1. In the tools menu, last item is “Plugins”.
  2. This brings up a little dialog box.
    • Select “available plugins” at the top
    • In the search field type “cover”
    • That should bring up the tool: “TikiOne JaCoCoverage”
    • Select it and press install.
    • Netbeans will need to restart.
  3. You need to add a this to the pom.xml file (in the plugins section under the build section).

The tools run as part of the build process (clean and build). To see the results, right click on the project and a new menu item is available:

This should open a window which looks like this (For the LoginSample project):

You can click on a filename, and get a line by line result of which aspects og your code was touched by your tests. In the figure above, I wanted to test the UserMapper class, but there are some sql exceptions which are not thrown, which I am OK with.