Tests workshop

Monday May 7th.

As preparation for Monday, you should view the following on Lynda: https://www.lynda.com/Developer-Programming-Foundations-tutorials/Welcome/124398/137955-4.html. It is nearly two hours, so remember to set some time aside.

There are a few sections which can be skipped:


Basic unit tests (green level)

Database testing (yellow level)

Mostly it is not recommended to test the actual database layer. However, that is a shame as many get the database layer wrong. Once the structure is in place, it is fairly straight forward to do.


  1. Testing the database layer
    • Test database vs. production database
    • Clearing and setting up a database
    • Designing for testability
    • A dedicated connection
  2. Unit testing against MySQL

A few other concepts of test

  1. Aspects of test
    • (green level) Testing can be more than JUnit (acceptance test, system tests,…)
    • (green level)Testing concept: Black and White box test
    • (Red level) Testing concept: Test coverrage
  2. Red level: Install codecoverage in jacocoverage and check coverage of your test for quicksort.

Fog Requirements